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Plant with a Future!

As a Co-Designer of a sustainable and future-oriented environment, KWS wants to expand the usual crop rotation with Sorghum.
Therefore KWS is breeding and producing Sorghum, as an additional C4-plant next to corn since 2007.

The KWS Sorghum varieties and also Sorghum in general features an excellent drought tolerance, which is getting more and more important in times of climate change. Furthermore it shows an outstanding erosion protection and strenghtens the biodiversity by offering pollen quite late. Beside that the usage of Sorghum is not to neglect, because on the one hand it is a high-yield crop for substrate production and on the other for grain production.

Since 2013 KWS has been breeding sorghum for grain production with the targets of high yielding, high disease tolerance and early to mid early maturity. The focus are regions of South Europe, South East Europe and East Europe, where also the biggest growing areas of grain sorghum are.

Grain sorghum is used in Europe mainly for animal feeding. In other corners of the world sorghum is known for its versatility – human nutrition, producing of syrups, ethanol, silage or hay for feeding.

Detailed information about the country specific products can be found on the seperate country pages, which you find in the table below.

Find the right sorghum seed for your country

Click on your country to get redirected to the countries website. In each country we sell different varieties which are adjusted to match the climate conditions and market needs.

More information about grain sorghum

Your contact partner

Tobias Kunze
Tobias Kunze
International Product Manager Sorghum
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